Космическое Полиискусство Виктории ПреобРАженской: Печатать

«The Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya» © — is founded by Me in 2005 in Russia (Moscow).

«THE COSMIC POLYART OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM OF VICTORIA PREOBRAZHENSKAYA»© — is a multidimensional Siriusian CultUre of the Mother of the World, the Universal Doctrine about the Absolute and the Universe, Macro and Microcosms, the Universal Outlook for the Enlightened mankind, the Absolute Omniscience, Sacral Knowledge of Sophia (Sothis) — Divine Wisdom. It is the Spiritual «Science about Light and Its Transformation» of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, the Way to Eternity and immortality. «THE COSMIC POLYART OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM OF VICTORIA PREOBRAZHENSKAYA»© includes the following genres: spontaneous Cosmic Dance, Spiritual Painting and a drawing, spontaneous Cosmic Music, Sacral Poetry, the Mystical Song, Mysterial scenic action: «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya».

I revived the most ancient Mysterial Art — «The Theatre of Mysteries». In base of «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya» is the Cult of Great Mother Isis, the Goddess, Who has ten thousand Names. It is Multidimensional Theatre of Spirit of the Great Femininity, Quintessence of «The Cosmic Poliart of the Third Millennium».

Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya

Дата: 16.03.11
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